Visually-guided Humanoid Walking Pattern Generation
In this project, we show how visual constraints such as homographies and fundamental matrices can be integrated tightly into the locomotion controller of a humanoid robot to drive it from one configuration to another, only by means of images. The visual errors generated by these constraints are stacked as terms of the objective function of a Quadratic Program so as to specify the final target of the robot with a reference image. By using homographies or fundamental matrices instead of specific points, as in previous works, we avoid the features occlusion problem. This image-based strategy has also been extended to solve the problem of following a visual path by a humanoid robot, which allows the robot to execute much longer paths and plans than when using just one reference image.
Related thesis
Noe Guadalupe Aldana Murillo. "Visually-guided humanoid walking pattern generation". PhD. Thesis, CIMAT A.C., 2021. (co-advised with Héctor Manuel Becerra Fermín)
Mauricio García Vazquez. "Vision-Based Locomotion For Humanoid Robots". MSc. Thesis, CIMAT A.C., 2013.
Related publications
Noé Aldana-Murillo, Luis Sandoval, Jean-Bernard Hayet, Claudia Esteves, Hector Becerra, "Coupling humanoid walking pattern generation and visual constraint feedback for pose-regulation and visual path-following." Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020.
N.G. Aldana-Murillo, J-B. Hayet, H.M. Becerra, "Comparison of Local Descriptors for Humanoid Robots Localization Using a Visual Bag of Words Approach." Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2017.
Mauricio Vazquez, Olivier Stasse, Jean-Bernard Hayet, Claire Dune, Claudia Esteves, Jean-Paul Laumond, "Vision-guided motion primitives for humanoid reactive walking: Decoupled versus coupled approaches." Int. J. on Robotic Research, 2015.
Mauricio Garcia, Olivier Stasse, Jean-Bernard Hayet, "Vision-driven walking pattern generation for humanoid reactive walking." the proceedings of Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), ISBN: 9781479936861, 2014.
Mauricio Vazquez, Jean-Bernard Hayet, Olivier Stasse, Claudia Esteves, Jean-Paul Laumond, "Vision-based motion primitives for reactive walking." the proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Humanoid robots, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2617-6, 2013.